DataMeetsArt in Luxembourg 2024 - Winners

The Grand Finale of the DataMeetsArt in Luxembourg 2024 was held on June 13th at the Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain. This was a first edition launched by Data Studio Luxembourg - and hopefully more to follow ;)

The purpose of this competition is to provide a platform and showcase the incredible creativity and talent of data analysts who strike a rich balance between Data Analysis, Design, and Storytelling. It also aims to raise awareness that data analytics is not only for experts, and dashboards don’t need to be boring and full of numbers!! 📊😊

During the event we presented each project on a large printed canvas, along with a (super cool!!) large interactive touchscreen - all methods to make the dashboards (and data) immersive and enable the users build a closer relationship with the data.

The rating was done by combining online voting over 5 days (282 votes in total) with feedback from a panel of industry experts. At this point I would like to thank Martina Zunica, Aida Horaniet Ibañez and Lorna Brown for joining in, dedicating their time to analyze each project, and providing valuable and constructive feedback! Much appreciated!!

And now.. the winners are:
📊 🎉👍

Infographics 🎨
Winner - Facts about Luxembourg by Ricardo Tranquilli Navarro
Silver - Roads of Luxembourg by Sitraka Forler + Elections by Alain Bertrand
Bronze Spotlight - Tourists' Numbers in Luxembourg by The Loupe

Dashboards 📊
Winner- Blue Zone by Eva Omedes Domene
Silver - Mortality rates in Luxembourg by Luxembourg Health Directorate - Direction de la santé and CTIE
Bronze Spotlight - vel'OH! by Niels Reimink

Video / Experimental 🔮
Winner- Getting out of the bubble with data and statistics (Video and AR) Superdot Studio

Coup de coeur
Tech Startups in Luxembourg by Yuting Xu
Taylor Swift by Rebecca Fritsche

Congratulations to everyone!! Checkout the individual posts on each project on LinkedIn and give each kudos 😎👌🔥

Thanks to everyone for joining the event and to all the data artists for participating!!

With the support of Ministry for Digitalisation - Luxembourg

Get in touch with the participants

Elections 2023 by Alain Bertrand
Facts about Luxembourg by Ricardo Tranquilli Navarro
Roads of Luxembourg by Sitraka Forler
Tourism in Luxembourg by The Loupe
Blue Zones by Eva Omedes Domene
European energy directives by Lytix
Mortality rates in Luxembourg by Luxembourg Health Directorate - Direction de la santé and CTIE
Open data at Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) by Superdot Studio
Startups in Luxembourg by Yuting Xu
Taylor Swift's Biggest Moments of 2023 by Rebecca Fritsche
vel'OH! by Niels Reimink
Getting out of our bubble with Data and Statistics by Superdot Studio
Rejustify by Vojtech Seman

Organized by the Data Studio Luxembourg Supported by the Ministry for Digitalisation - Luxembourg