Meetup March 6, 2024

We’re meeting up again in person in Luxembourg City to share the latest on data analytics.

Date & Time: Wednesday March 6th, 6pm - 8pm

Location: Luxembourg - City (see meetup for update)

Topics for this meetup:

  • The latest Open Data related to Luxembourg. Example Dashboards and Data Studio projects.

  • How to access the Open Data goldmine of Luxembourg from STATEC using their API

  • How to build a (beautiful) dashboard. Thanks to guest Sitraka Forler for sharing your experience!

  • Mapping Dashboards from Luxinnovation GIE presentation by Mohamed TOUMI

  • Best practices The Fundamentals of Data Visualization by Aurélien Vautier (DataVizCLARITY)

  • Books - Our Top 10 ; ) On-site to view:

    • The Wall Street Journal Guide to Information Graphics: The Dos and Don'ts of Presenting Data, Facts, and Figures.

    • Visualizing Complexity: Modular Information Design Handbook by Darjan Hil und Nicole Lachenmeier

  • Information session Data Meets Art 2024 competition for Luxembourg.

  • Example dashboards and how to leverage Tableau Public

  • Meet and greet.

You have a project you want to share? Or topics you want to cover? Reach out via LinkedIn or by sending us a message.

This event has past.


Create data visualizations using Tableau - Workshop April 17


Beautiful Dashboard Design Examples